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October 12, 2023

If you lack creative ability with paints or pencil, you can still do great with your ability to take quite decent shots. As a result, this tutorial will how to make a photo look like a drawing in Photoshop. Although the processes are straightforward, we will use filters, smart objects, and mix modes.

If you are unfamiliar with them, you may learn more about them by visiting the linked websites. Adobe Photoshop is required for this procedure, and we will be using the latest CC version of Photoshop 2021. Photoshop versions may demand somewhat different techniques, especially when it comes to smart objects.

How to Make A Picture Look Like a Drawing Without Photoshop

There is numerous software that can be used to turn a picture into a drawing without photoshop. The exact processes required to convert an image to what looks to be a sketch or drawing vary according to the program being used. The procedure begins by removing color from the picture, duplicating it, inverting one copy, blending the two back together, then using a filter to reveal just the lines you wish to exhibit as a drawing. This technique may be carried out in black and white, or maybe with some programs — color can be added to further enhance the image’s vibrancy.

Indeed, using this technique in photographs has grown in popularity to the point that different software packages now do this job automatically. With the simplicity of a filter, anyone can easily change a picture on your computer, phone, or tablet into professionally drawn artwork.

How to Make A Picture Look Like a Drawing Without Photoshop

There is numerous software that can be used to turn a picture into a drawing without photoshop. The exact processes required to convert an image to what looks to be a sketch or drawing vary according to the program being used. The procedure begins by removing color from the picture, duplicating it, inverting one copy, blending the two back together, then using a filter to reveal just the lines you wish to exhibit as a drawing. This technique may be carried out in black and white, or maybe with some programs — color can be added to further enhance the image’s vibrancy.

2 Responses

  1. There is numerous software that can be used to turn a picture into a drawing without photoshop. The exact processes required to convert an image to what looks to be a sketch or drawing vary according to the program being used. The procedure begins by removing color from the picture, duplicating it

    1. There is numerous software that can be used to turn a picture into a drawing without photoshop. The exact processes required to convert an image to what looks to be a sketch or drawing vary according to the program being used. The procedure begins by removing color from the picture, duplicating it

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